Website Tune-Up

where is change and progress more evident then in the digital world and especially with regards to websites. What was secure, hip and modern just a few years ago, is today, already outmoded and sometimes even an outright security risk.
Often when we look at websites we find broken links, maps not working and all kinds of other issues that make a website look unprofessional and not secure.
Take Flash for example. Adobe Flash elements were for years the latest craze and many of our customers integrated flash elements into their websites. Unfortunately, Adobe stopped supporting Flash in April 2019 and thus there are no more security updates available. And thus those Flash elements are now becoming a popular point of attack for hackers.
Then there are all the new Data Protection Regulations that have been or are are currently being passed in countries all over the world. Comparatively few websites have been fully updated to comply with those new laws.
Do you experience similar issues? Our “Website Tune-Up” service may be what you need.
Find out what needs to be done to get YOUR website back in shape. Request our Free Website Analysis below.